The IGMI-C is an index of Brazilian commercial real estate market profitability. The objective is to portray, as comprehensively as possible, the evolution of prices and incomes of commercial real estate throughout Brazil. The index is presented in three versions (see formulas below under Methodology).
The IGMI-C is calculated based on information provided by, among others, institutional investors and companies linked to the real estate sector, such as trade associations, consultants, real estate portfolio administrators and managers, and developers. It incorporates a historical series going back to the first quarter of 2000.
In the last quarter of 2011, the sample consisted of 190 individual properties consisting primarily of commercial offices, shopping centers, commercial retail establishments, hotels, and industrial warehouses and other logistical support facilities. The largest concentrations are commercial offices (about 50% of the total) and shopping centers (about 25%).
All the states of Brazil are represented, but, as might be expected, the largest concentrations are in São Paulo (about 37% of the total) and Rio de Janeiro (about 26%).