Investiment Survey



Investiment Survey

Investment Survey is a quarterly study that gives guidance about the destination of productive investments in industry. Created in 1998 as a quarterly adjunct to the Survey of the Manufacturing Industry, the Investment Survey became independent in 2007.

The Investment Survey questionnaire is directed to companies. It covers such topics as factors that influence investment decisions; business productive capacity; the main purpose for making investments; and factors that are barriers to capital investment.  It addresses annual information but with several time horizons: There are questions about investments made one year before the survey; questions about the current year; and questions about investment plans for this and the next two years.

Each company appoints a person to fill out the questionnaires who meets specifications provided by FGV/IBRE. This is usually a director or manager who is knowledgeable about the company's strategic planning.

The scope of the research is structured according to the 1972 IBGE Industry Classification, which identifies 21 sectors and 127 industry divisions. Results are released for manufacturing generally, for usage categories (consumption goods, capital goods, intermediate goods, and construction materials) and for the main industry segments. 

Investment Survey Sectors

• Nonmetallic mineral products 

• Metallurgy 

• Mechanics 

• Electricity and communication materials

• Transportation material 

• Wood 

• Furniture  

• Pulp, paper, and cardboard

• Rubber

• Leather and fur

• Chemistry

• Pharmaceutical and veterinary products

• Perfumery, soaps, detergents, glycerine, and candles

• Plastic products

• Textiles 

• Apparel, footwear, and fabric supplies

• Food products 

• Beverages 

• Tobacco

• Publishing and printing

Main uses:

Anticipation of the course of the economy in the short run.

Geographical scope:

24 states

Sectoral scope:

Consumer durables and non-durables, capital goods, intermediate goods, and construction materials; 21 sectors, according to the IBGE 1972 Industry Classification, and 127 industry divisions.

Collection period

Two-month basis (in the first two months of every quarter).




First observation


First observation
