Directed mainly to market analysts, the Inflation Monitor presents the price changes to the consumer from a comprehensive basket of products and services, becoming an important ally in monitoring, analysis and forecast of the official inflation indexes in the country.
The indicator shows the daily changes in the prices of items surveyed in the seven capitals covered by the IPC by IBRE in two bases for comparison: the last 30 days compared to the previous period, and the last seven days compared to the same period last month.
Inflation Monitor is available through an annual subscription and allows access to:
- Database provided in Excel format, containing the daily price changes of IPC items collected until the day before;
- Simulator applying the results of the IPC price survey, processing them by the IPCA criteria, in order to project daily the official inflation indexes.
- Daily Econometric adjustment for the overall result and the nine major groups that comprise IPCA and IPCA-15;
- Opening of controlled prices and tariffs for cities not covered by the collection from FGV;
- Special aggregations of IPCA and IPCA-15 structure;