Global Barometers confirm the values of the previous month, which had developed positively


The Global Barometers remain relatively stable in December, after the noticeably increases recorded in the previous month. The Coincident Barometer slips slightly in  relation to November but ends the quarter at a more favourable level than the previous quarter, signalling overall an acceleration in global economic growth. The Leading Barometer, in turn, increases this month and suggests an increase in confidence among companies and consumers in relation to the end of the previous quarter.

The Coincident Global Economic Barometer decreases 0.2 points in December, to 96.5 points, after gaining 2.9 points in the last month. The Leading Barometer increases 0.5 points this month, reaching 105.1 points, after a gain of 2.3 points in November. These movements reflect declines in the indicators for the Asia, Pacific & Africa region which are dampened or overcompensated by increases in the indicators for Europe and the Western Hemisphere.
“The world economy remains resilient at the end of 2024, with low levels of unemployment and growth rates converging on recent historical means in most countries. Despite the moderate optimism in relation to global growth in 2025, significant challenges remain, such as high levels of public debt in emerging and advanced economies, as well as the uncertainties generated by the geopolitical conflicts in the Ukraine and the Middle East”, evaluates Aloisio Campelo Jr., researcher of FGV IBRE.