After remaining practically stable for most of the year, the Global Barometers increase more markedly in November. The region Asia, Pacific & Africa stands out in the development of the Coincident barometer, which records its highest level since April 2022.
The Coincident Global Economic Barometer gains 2.6 points in November, to reach 96.5 points, the highest level since April 2022 (99.9 points). The Leading Barometer, in turn, increases 2.4 points this month, to 104.7 points. As in October, the rise in both indicators is mainly determined by the results of the Asia, Pacific & Africa region. The data included in both the Coincident Global Economic Barometer and the Leading Global Economic Barometer is from before the US election.
“Despite the difficulties that remain in various countries in the post-pandemic period, especially in the areas of inflation and public accounts, the increase in the Coincident Global Barometer in November brings it closer to the neutral level of 100 points, signalling the normalization of global activity for the first time since the beginning of 2022. The standouts this month were the emerging Asian countries, which recorded significant increases in their Coincident and Leading indicators. The growth outlook for the global economy has continued to be relatively stable for 2024 and 2025”, evaluates Aloisio Campelo Jr., researcher of FGV IBRE.