Trade Survey



Trade Survey

The Trade Survey provides monthly information used to enable comprehensive monitoring of the present situation and the forecast of economic trends in the sector.

Created in line with the best international practices, the survey began in March 2010. The quality of the sample and the speed of its publication make the Trade Survey essential for business decision making.

The Trade Survey questionnaire is aimed at companies, and covers topics such as the business situation, volume of demand, purchases, access to credit, and workforce.

The Expanded Retail Trade Confidence Index (TCI of Expanded Retail) is the synthesis index of the survey and is composed of four topics: current volume of demand, current business situation, expected sales (three months), and expected business situation (six months).

The sectorial coverage of the survey is similar to that of IBGE’s Annual Trade Survey (ATS), which broadly covers the Brazilian retail trade. The official result is the Expanded Retail Trade, which includes the inputs of the Restricted Retail, Vehicles, Motorbikes and Parts, and Construction Material segments.

Main Uses:
Anticipating short term economic developments of the Trade sector in Brazil.

Geographic Coverage:

Sector Coverage:
Expanded Retail; Restricted Retail; Vehicles; Motorbikes and Parts; and Construction Material.

Collection Period:
The first three weeks of each month.


Historical Series:
March 2010.