The Brazilian Institute of Economics
The Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE) was created in 1951. It is the unit of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) whose mission is to research, analyze, produce and disseminate macroeconomic statistics, as well as applied high quality economic research relevant to the improvement of public policies or private action in the Brazilian economy, stimulating the country's economic development and social welfare.
Since its inception, IBRE has developed socio-economic studies, surveys, analyzes and several indicators based on the collection of economic, financial and business data. Economic statistics produced by IBRE include price indices and indicators for trends and business cycles, widely used by scholars, analysts of the Brazilian economy and managers in the public and private sphere.
Applied Economics
Applied Economics brings together researchers of the highest level, whose work and performance in congresses, events and seminars reinforce the position of the FGV as a think tank of the country's economic and social issues.
Statistical Production
Monthly, from its 28 offices (15 outposts and 13 offices), located in all Brazilian capitals, IBRE captures around 300 thousand prices of products and services and data of economic nature, from more than 19 thousand informants throughout the country. For this, counts on a permanent staff of professionals specialized in the application of economic and social sciences as well as statistical methods.
Indicators and reports are offered as public goods at the most synthetic level. At the analytical and detailed level the information is offered as a database service, accessed through signatures (usage licenses).
The experience accumulated by IBRE in the application of surveys and calculation of indicators made available to the general public can be used in the development of customized surveys and indicators, in order to meet the specific needs of public and private entities, with significant benefits.
For this purpose IBRE offers to its clients consulting services, including the application of surveys, sector studies and projections, technical support for the specification and use of economic indicators, as well as the regular production of custom indicators on demand.
Conjuntura Econômica Magazine - IBRE publishes since 1947 the Conjuntura Econômica magazine, the oldest and most influential publication on economy in the country. On a monthly basis, it has national circulation.
IBRE Macro Bulletin - produced by the IBRE researchers, under the coordination of the Applied Economics area, the Macro Bulletin brings monthly projections about the Brazilian economy, such as GDP, inflation, labor market, foreign trade, interest rate, exchange, and more.
Publications by IBRE – coordinated by the team of Applied Economics, the series started in 2011 aims to disseminate through the publication of books, studies and researches relevant to the economic scenario, thus reflecting the IBRE's role as an important forum for debates on the improvement of Brazilian public policies.
Seminars are held by IBRE's technical staff to discuss and assist in the formulation of public policies that stimulate the country's economic development and social welfare.