Trade Survey



Trade Survey

Monthly, the Trade Survey provides information that can be used to anticipate changes in the economy. The  survey  is based on the best international practices. The indicators and other information are designed for users to respond to business expectations and anticipate the level of business activity in retail and wholesale trade. 

The quality of the sample and the speed with which the research findings are released make the Trade Survey vital for business decision making. The historical series of the survey started in March 2010; the survey is the first and only indicator that covers the main retail and wholesale segments on a monthly basis in Brazil. The research findings are summarized in the Trade Confidence Index (TCOI).

The questionnaire on which the Trade Survey is based is directed to the individual company. It asks about topics such as the business situation, demand, invoicing, purchases, credit access, and labor employed.

The response options are qualitative (e.g.: Is current purchase volume strong, normal, or weak? Does the company expect the total number of people employed to increase, stay the same, or decrease?).

The questions cover prospects for business in four time periods: the quarter immediately preceding the survey´s  reference month; the immediate moment when the survey is being carried out; the quarter that starts in the reference month; and the half-year starting in the reference month.

The scope of the survey is similar to that of the Annual Survey of Trade (PAC) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which covers all sectors of retail and wholesale trade. Results are released for the trade sector as a whole and for five segments.

Sectorial segments are defined according to the IBGE National Classification of Economic Activities, version 1.0 (NCEA 1.0).

Principais usos:

Antecipação dos rumos da economia no curto prazo.

Abrangência Geográfica:


Abrangência Setorial:

• Varejo ampliado (abrange os segmentos Veículos, motos e peças; Material para construção e Varejo restrito);

• Veículos, motos e peças (atacado e varejo de Veículos automotores; Acessórios e peças para veículos automotores; Motos, partes e peças);

• Material para construção (atacado e varejo de Material para construção);

•Varejo restrito (Combustíveis e lubrificantes; Hipermercados e supermercados; Alimentos, bebidas e fumo; Tecidos, vestuário e calçados; Artigos farmacêuticos, médicos, ortopédicos, perfumaria e cosméticos; Móveis e eletrodomésticos; Equipamentos e material para escritório, informática e comunicação; Livros, artigos culturais; Outros produtos do comércio varejista);

• Atacado (Alimentos, bebidas e fumo; Artigos de uso pessoal e doméstico; Produtos intermediários não-agropecuários, resíduos e sucatas; Outros produtos do comércio atacadista).

Período de coleta:

Nas três primeiras semanas do mês vigente



Primeira observação:

Março de 2010